District 13: Vote For the Other Guy Or Gal! ?>

District 13: Vote For the Other Guy Or Gal!

I am Gwen Samuel, a mother, grandmother, taxpayer, and voter from Connecticut. Facing unprecedented utility hikes, I believe it is time to demand a return on our tax investments in all areas of state government, including our public education system. No longer can I wait for our public schools to put children first—our future workforce.  As a result, I have entered the Senate race for District 13, representing Meriden, Cheshire, Middletown, and Middlefield, as of late May.

The journey to secure a place on the ballot was incredibly surreal. From late May until August 7, I encountered numerous obstacles and misinformation about the dos and don’ts of qualifying as a public office candidate, which made it emotionally challenging to keep moving forward.

Initially, I attempted to challenge a candidate in a primary, requiring over 500 signatures. However, 90% of every signature I collected was disqualified, so I didn’t meet the threshold. I then requested a nominating petition, needing 329 signatures to run as an unaffiliated candidate. My party affiliation on this form was “none.” On the day before the signatures were due, someone in the Middletown Voter Registrar’s office claimed, “We don’t have a District 13?” That’s when I realized that gatekeepers were working overtime for the two-party system. That’s when I met Shawn from West Haven. He is affiliated with the Independent Party. He drove to Meriden to assist me in collecting signatures. Then on the final day for signature collection, I was informed I had only 144, but I was encouraged to continue. Feeling disheartened, I conceded defeat at 3:50 pm on August 7th, 2024—the deadline for gathering signatures was 4:30 pm. Later, I discovered I had 325 signatures, just four short of the requirement. This experience taught me that every vote counts and that quitters never win.

The next day, members of Meriden’s Latino community urged me not to give up. A Puerto Rican woman named Maria called me at 6:00 am, encouraging me to continue the fight and register as a write-in candidate with the Secretary of State. Not wanting to disappoint the voters who signed my petition, I decided to become a write-in candidate. This position placed me at the bottom of the ballot, lets just say  I was at the ‘back of the bus,’ which required voters to manually write my name, which could result in lost votes due to literacy challenges. However, I now know that God had different plans for me.

Fast forward, I was asked to complete the Independent Party survey, they had a convention and endorsed me. On August 23rd, I submitted paperwork to the Secretary of State’s office to accept the endorsement of a minor party—the Independents.

Based on this experience running for public office for the first time, I realize this minor party represents what America stands for—freedom to run without gatekeepers or waiting for anointment within the two-party system. Bottom line, I refused to let any individual or collective, from any political party, dictate when it’s my turn to represent my home and the community’s children, taxpayers and voters.

So, who is Gwen Samuel? My experiences as a Marine, education parent leader, and community organizer have instilled in me the importance of collaboration and commitment to public service. As the founder of the CT Parents Union and the Meriden Kids Walk Safe – Safe Routes To School initiative, I have consistently put the safety and education of our children first.

In the realm of education, I am committed to enhancing our traditional schools that serve most neighborhood children and to expand charter schools and other educational options for those who may thrive in different learning environments. A student-centered public education system is vital for elevating the quality of life for all children, regardless of their zip code.

My economic development plans are centered on advancing workforce development programs that enable individuals to contribute to our economy. Encouraging entrepreneurship and small business growth is a key part of this strategy. It’s time to utilize Opportunity Zones for acquiring buildings in underserved communities to establish trade training programs and to bring manufacturing jobs to Connecticut instead of outsourcing.

I aim to collaborate with multi-family property owners who require resources to upgrade their properties to code, allowing them to rent out units and thereby help alleviate our homelessness crisis.

Furthermore, I champion traditional values through community initiatives that nurture strong family foundations, which are essential for protecting our most vulnerable citizens, including youth and the elderly.

Having spearheaded Connecticut’s first parent empowerment law, I am dedicated to ensuring that parents have genuine decision-making authority in our public schools concerning their children’s education. My ability to collaborate across party lines equips me to represent District 13 effectively. Consider me the commonsense candidate.

Thank you for your consideration and potential vote for Independent ROW 4-D. I eagerly anticipate the chance to serve our community in the Connecticut State Senate.


Gwen Samuel

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